Il pianoforte giocattolo si differenzia dal normale pianoforte per le minime dimensioni e per il caratteristico suono, prodotto da barrette di metallo di diversa lunghezza percosse grazie all’azione dei tasti. Proprio la sua particolarità timbrica ha suscitato l’interesse di molti compositori – dalle avanguardie al rock passando per la musica da film – e ha permesso a questo piccolo strumento di continuare ancora oggi a sollecitare la curiosità e la fantasia di adulti e bambini.
Nei concerti dedicati al pianoforte giocattolo Antonietta Loffredo suona uno Schoenhut Concert Grand Piano a 37 tasti e una Schoenhut Traditional Spinet a 25 tasti. Il suo repertorio spazia dalle avanguardie del ‘900 alle più recenti espressioni nell’ambito della musica d’arte contemporanea, oltre a comprendere brani appartenenti ad altri generi musicali, che testimoniano del vasto interesse sorto attorno a questo affascinante strumento.
- John Cage: Suite for Toy Piano (1948)
- Alvin Curran: Light Flowers Dark Flowers II (1999)
- Karlheinz Essl: Kalimba (2005) for Toy Piano e CD playback
- Karlheinz Essl: Listen things (2008)
- John Kennedy: The Winged Energy of Delight (1997) for Toy Piano and toy percussion
- Matthew McConnell: Three Miniatures (2008)
- Stephen Montague: Mirabella – A Tarantella for Toy Piano (1995)
- Stephen Montague: Almost a Lullaby (2004) for Toy Piano, wind chimes e music box
- W.A. Mozart (Adattamenti per Toy Piano): Minuetto K. 6/11, Minuetto K. 15 c, Rondò Alla turca K. 331
- Ron Nagorcka: Six over six (1974)
- Ron Nagorcka: Pentaphase II (1974)
- Adrián Pertout: Exposiciones (2005) for Toy Piano and tape
- Rob Smith: Schroeder’s Revenge (2001)
- Yann Tiersen: La valse des monstres (2002)
- Dan Di Maggio: Small Talk (2009) per Toy Piano e due chitarre
- William Zuckerman: Interrupted Dances (2007)
- Bernadette Speach: Chosen Voices (1991) for prepared guitar & Toy Piano
- Sara Carvalho: Inside Silence (2012) for prepared piano and toy piano
- Sara Carvalho: perto do coracao selvagem (2014)
- Diana Blom: Biffo in a Toy Box (2012) for toy piano and manual-wind music box
- Diana Blom: The Blue Ice Cave (2013) for piano and toy piano
- Diana Blom: …earth tones…(2014)
- Stefano Procaccioli: Percorso A (2012)
- Chris Adams: Erebus (2012) for piano and toy piano
- Nathan Wilson: Heart Broken Star in The Dream Winds of Endless Night (2013)
- Paolo Longo: Isola di memorie (2012)
- Gian Paolo Luppi: Antarctica Suite (2012)
- Gian Paolo Luppi: Ermetic Suite (2014)
- Antonio Giacometti: Icewhite (penguin’s steps in the eternity of nothing) (2013)
- Paul Smith: Iceberg Variations (2012)
- Luca Cori: Toy Rondeaux (2013)
- Mauro Agagliate: xen Ctro (2013)
- Andrea Padova: Toy Music n. 1, 2 e 3 (2014)
- Nicola Buso: La neige sur des pas (2014)
- Giorgio Colombo Taccani: Call me later (2013)
- Silvia Corda: Quattro pensieri per il nuovo anno (2014)
- Silvia Corda: Nel succedersi degli istanti (2015)
- Paolo Ricci: Toy Fantasy (2014)
- Mercedes Zavala: Toy Counterpoints I-II-III (2014-2018)
- Lorenzo Di Vora: Naughty Child (2014)
- Sayyid Shafiee: Imaginary Specters (2015)
- Matteo Pittino: Suite mécanique (2015)
- Go Okawa: La Foret-Jukai (2015)
- Kaveh Azimi: Magic Box (2014)
- Chris Cree Brown: The Little Red Toy Piano (2012-2013) for toy piano and Fixed Media
- Matthew Hindson: Monkey Music (2009) for toy piano and cymbal monkey
- Fabio Luppi: Three Pictures (2013)
- Michele Serra: Quattro miniature in si (2014)
- Jane Wang: Round for four toy pianos (2012)
- Jane Wang: Percussive Piece for four toy pianos (2012)
- Michael Hannan: Pilgrimage (2015)
- Olivia Kieffer: Nobility of Homophones (2015) – a solo for two toy pianos
- Michael Hannan: Riff Madness III (2016) duo for two toy grand pianos
- Andrian Pertout: Musica battuta – double toy piano étude for one soloist (2016)
- Paul Smith: Holding masks (2016) duo for piano and toy piano
- Diana Blom: Drawing firewheels (2016) for piano and toy piano (one player)
- Sabina Concari: Submissa voce (2017) – for tape and two toy pianos
- Jeff Crompton: Prelude and Fugue for Toy Piano (2018)
- Gaston Polle Ansaldi: Quasi rituale per toy piano e toy percussion (2018)
- Mats O Hansson: Oceans of Time (2018)
- Christina Viola Oorebeek: Flurries (2018)
- Daiwei Lu: U.M.B.R.A. Psevdaisthisi (2018)
- Stacey Barelos: Starfish (2018)
- Anna Bofill Levi: Autoportrait – Omaggio a Lee Miller e Man Ray (2018)
- Leonello Capodaglio: Tre bagatelle per Toy Piano (2018)
- Elena Maiullari: Broken Music Box (2018)
- Sara Carvalho: Occupied Mirrors for toy piano, percussion instruments and audience (2019)
- Chris Adams: Diversions (2018)
- J.M. Block: Bâchage Prelude (2018)
- Marco Pedrazzi: Tic-Tac-Toy (2018)
- Erwin Deleux: In Veils (2018)
- Gian Paolo Luppi: Toy, toy, toy! (2019)
- Diana Blom: Through Shadows (2018)
- Aaron Rosenberg: A Contrivance (2018)
- Diana Blom: Cat’s Play for toy piano, castanet, horn, bell (2019)
- Marina Masiero: Sonatina lunare per toy piano, sonaglini e pensiero di carillon (2018)
- Alicia Sánchez Reyes: Direttore di latta for toy piano and tin director (2018)
- Benjiamin Buchanan: #1 from Two Pieces in the Dorian Mode for toy piano and percussion instruments (2018)
- Diana Blom: Japanese Knitting for toy piano & three knitting needles (2021)
- Rica Narimoto: Lines (2016)
- Paul Smith: Constellations for toy piano, toy xylophone and wrist bells (2021)
- Antonio Giacometti: Chôrinho sambado para o Schroeder for toy piano and toy percussion (2021)
- Lara Denies: Il baco-Il bozzolo-La falena (2022)
- James Joslin: Für Enola for toy piano, jack-in-the-box and spinning top (2011)
- Diana Blom: Binary Star (Alpha Centauri) for toy piano, fl. cl. vl. vlc. (2021)
- Sara Carvalho: Taurus for toy piano, fl. cl. vl. vlc. (2021)
- Mercedes Zavala: Polaris for toy piano, fl. cl. vl. vlc. (2021)
- Gian Paolo Luppi: Etius for toy piano, fl. cl. vl. vlc. (2021)
- Gian Paolo Luppi: Conbis for toy piano, fl. cl. vl. vlc. (2021)
- Paul Smith: Deambulatory of His Holiness for piano and toy piano (2021)
- Diana Blom: Imperfect Reflection for toy piano & rainstick (2023)
- Paul Smith: Cobblestones (2018)
- Paul Smith: Tessuto infinito (2023)
- Diana Blom: Scribbly Gum II (2023)
- Michele Serra: Miniatura IV (2014)
- Diana Blom: Italian Cooking for toy piano, 2 cooking bowls/pots & 1 wooden spoon (2024)
- Gabriel Maldonado: Tiny Piano Song 1 per toy piano e live electronics (2024)
- Gabriel Maldonado: Tiny Piano Song 2 per toy piano e live electronics (2024)
- Karlheinz Essl: Sequitur V for toy piano and live electronics (2008-2013)
The toy piano is different from the real piano both for its small dimensions and for its sound. In fact, the hammers strike different length metal rods which produce a chime-like timbre. Many composers from vanguard music to contemporary classical music continue to be fascinated by this small instrument. Antonietta’s research in the area of vanguard music includes concert programs dedicated to the toy piano. In these concerts she plays a 37 key Concert Grand Piano and a 25 key Traditional Spinet, both produced by Schoenhut. Her repertoire ranges from the 1900 vanguard to contemporary classical music, showing the increasing interest in this marvellous instrument.